The September Business Meeting will be held on Tuesday September 10, 2024 at 4PM


Local Lodge 1932 Meeting Notice - September 10, 2024 at 4pm

Greetings Sisters and Brothers,
I hope you are all doing well. The Monthly Business Meeting will be held on Tuesday September 10,
2024, at our Local Lodge at 4PM. Please arrive early so that we can begin the meeting on time.


  • IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Business Meeting for Tuesday November 05, 2024, will be moved to
    Wednesday November 06, 2024. This change was made due to the Presidential Election.
  • Approval to spend up to $250 for outside surveillance cameras for our building.
  • Representatives from The League of Women voters will make a presentation of the upcoming
    Presidential election and other related issues on October 01, 2024 at our local lodge at 4PM.
  • Approval to donate $200 to The League of Women voters.
  • Local Lodge 1293 has been on strike since 06/26/24 and needs financial assistance. Approval to
    donate $200 to Local lodge 1293
  • Approval to fund leadership classes at W-3 for 2025.
  • Nominations for delegates to attend DL142 convention from 03/17/2025 through 03/20/2025
    will take place at the 10/01/24 at 4PM. Only members that belong to DL 142 may participate. In
    addition, members must be in good standing and meet all LL 1932 bylaw perquisites.
  • Approval to send up to 8 delegates plus 3 alternates to the DL42 Convention from 03/17/25
    through 03/20/25. Cost to include hotel accommodations of $69.00 plus $49.95 resort fee plus
    tax per day. Lost time, per diem, registration fee of $100, transportation from airport to hotel to
    airport. In addition, a voluntary donation of $40 to MNPL and $10 to GDA.
  • Approval for 8 tellers to run the DL142 election on 11/06/24. Cost to include 1 day of lost time
    and to spend up to $300 on food and refreshments. If interested in being a teller, contact Joe.
  • Election for delegates to attend the DL142 Convention will take place on 11/06/24 from 8am to
    8pm. (if necessary).

    In Solidarity,
    Joe Martinez
    Recording Secretary
    Local Lodge 1932